Diagnostic test

  1. Choose the correct question word. Ընտրիր ճիշտ հարցական բառը։ (0.2*5=1)
  2. _____________ is that? That’s my mother.
  1. What
  2. Who
  3. Where
  4. _________ is she going? She is going home.
  1. What
  2. When
  3. Where
  4. ___________ does this book cost? 
  1. What
  2. Who
  3. How much
  4. _____________ do you go to school?
  1. What
  2. How often
  3. Where
  4. ____________ are you? I am 14 years old.
  1. How old
  2. When
  3. What
  4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions in, on, at, in front of, next to, behind, under. Լրացրու բաց թողնված տողերը in, on, at, in front of, next to,  behind, under  նախդիրներով։ (0.2*10=2)
  1. My flat is at the fourteenth floor.
  2. He lives in a big old house on the school.
  3. Where is the dog? The dog is under the sofa.
  4. I usually have lunch in front of 1o’clock.
  5. We celebrate Christmas behind winter January 6.
  6. The bag is next to the chair.
  7. The shelf is at the table.
  8. The pen is on the table.

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